Loteria cards

Well I had no idea what a Loteria card was so my curiosity was peeked when I saw Some wonderful little charms made by hothotgeek on the Simply soldered Pendants group on flickr. http://www.flickr.com/groups/518839@N24/
Of course I had to search them. It’s a Mexican game of chance kinda like bingo but with images. And it’s the images that are so cute. Oh! gees...I wrote cute..oh well that’s what they are. The Siren is my fav following in at a close second the penguin. Yep I said penguin. It seems there are many different little images out there and I like the penguin.
Well you know what this means...They are just begging to be cut, glued, soldered, stamped, ripped, UTEEed to death.. and of course I must .